
Annual Audit 2016-17

Annual Return 2016-17 Page 1/3

/_UserFiles/Files/Annual Return p.1.jpg 

Annual Return 2016-17 Page 2/3

 /_UserFiles/Files/Annual Return p.2.jpg

Annual Return 2016-17 Page 3/3

/_UserFiles/Files/Annual Return p.3.jpg 

Accounts Information 2016-17

Cashbook (Income & Expenditure) 2016-17

/_UserFiles/Files/Cashbook April 2016 to March 2017 Towton.pdf 

Annual Audit 2017/18

Annual Return 2017/18

Annual Return 2017/18 P2/3

Accounting Statements

/_UserFiles/Files/Towton PC 2017-18 Accounting Statements.jpg 

Annual Return 2017/18

Internal Audit Report

/_UserFiles/Files/Towton PC 2017-18 Internal Audit Report.jpg 

Annual Audit 2018-19

AGAR Return and Audit Documents

Annual Audit 2019-20

Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2019-20

Certificate of Exemption (Parish Council expenditure below £25k p.a.)

/_UserFiles/Files/Certificate of Exemption 2019-20.jpg 

Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-20

/_UserFiles/Files/Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-20.jpg

Annual Governance Statement 2019-20

/_UserFiles/Files/Annual Governance Statement 2019-20.jpg

Accounting Statements 2019-20

/_UserFiles/Files/Accounting Statements 2019-20.jpg

Parish Council Budget 2019-20 

/_UserFiles/Files/Budget 2019-20.xls 

Parish Council Statement re Internal Audit Report 2019-20

The Parish Council does not agree with the findings of the Internal Auditor regarding several of the issues they raised and comments they made following the 2019-20 audit.

In particular, the Council disputes the Auditor’s findings on the Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-20 (above) regarding Items D and G.

Item D: The Council’s aim is to meet its statutory obligations and provide services to the community that it is responsible for at the minimum of cost to residents. The Annual Precept (money received by the Parish Council through Council Tax from each household) is £2,300 p.a. and this has not risen in over 5 years. Councillors know precisely what it costs each year to run the Parish Council and Budget accordingly (Budget for 2018-19 above). Consequently, we do not tend to review the Budget at each Meeting but only when any additional expenditure beyond our planned expenditure is being considered. We, and all previous Internal Auditors, believe this is appropriate practice for a Parish Council of our size.

If any expenditure is required in addition to what we have budgeted for the Clerk aims to identify grants or alternative sources of funding. In recent years the Council has been successful in receiving grant funding from a variety of sources, which has paid for 2 defibrillators, 2 grit bins, the resurfacing of much of Old London Road (part of the Battlefield Trail), a new Noticeboard in Kirkby Wharfe, an additional dogwaste bin at Dacres Cross and a professional survey of traffic speeds on the A162 through Towton. We have also received £1,000 towards new flashing speed signs as part of our A162 Road Safety project.

The Parish Council is financially prudent and responsible and totally refutes any suggestion that our budgetary process is inadequate.

Item G: The salary paid to the Clerk is set in a contract, calculated quarterly together with the PAYE element by a professional payroll company, authorised by Councillors quarterly in a Parish Council Meeting and paid by cheque signed by two Councillors. It is an entirely rigorous and transparent procedure. The suggestion that procedures were not properly applied is totally incorrect. The Internal Auditor identified that the Tax Code applied to the Clerk’s Payslip was OT whereas the HMRC Tax Code stated BR was to be applied. This is NOT an error as both Tax Codes result in the same, correct amount of tax being paid.

The Council challenged these points with the Internal Auditor and with Yorkshire Local Councils Associations where she is employed but they would not alter their findings.

The Parish Council October 2020

Annual Audit 2020-2021

Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2020-2021 (to 31 March 2021)

 Please find below the accounting documentation the Year End up to 31 March 2021.  The Internal Auditor appointed was Child & Co, Sherburn in Elmet who have verified the accounts.  A Certificate of Exemption has been sent to the External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn, London.  If you would like to see the full accounts and auditing information, please contact the Clerk on 07795071741 or Thank you

 AGAR Return Part 2 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/Annual Return Part 2 2020-21 Towton PC.pdf 

 Asset Register 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/Asset Register 2020-2021.pdf 

Bank Reconciliation 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/TOWTON PC 2020-21 Bank Reconciliation.pdf 

Bank Reconciliation - relationship between Box 7 and Box 8 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/TOWTON PC 2020-21 Reconciliation between Box7 and Box8.pdf 

Explanation of High Reserves (ring fenced funds) 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/Towton PC 2020-21 Explanation for High Reserves.pdf 

Explanation of Variances 2020-2021 /_UserFiles/Files/TOWTON PC 2020-21 Explanation of Variances..pdf


Annual Audit 2021/2022

Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2021-2022 (to 31 March 2022)

Please find below the accounting documentation the Year End up to 31 March 2022. The Internal Auditor appointed was Child & Co, Sherburn in Elmet who have verified the accounts. The completed AGAR for 2021/22 has been sent to the External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn, London. If you would like to see the full accounts and auditing information, please contact the Clerk on 07795071741 or Thank you

AGAR Annual Governance & Accounting Return 2021/2022

Exercise of Public Rights 2021/22

Explanation of Variances 2021/22

Bank Reconciliation 2021/22 

 External Auditor Report and Final Certificate 2021/2022


Annual Audit 2022/2023

Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2022-2023 (to 31 March 2023)

Please find below the accounting documentation the Year End up to 31 March 2023. The Internal Auditor appointed was Child & Co, Sherburn in Elmet who have verified the accounts.  The completed AGAR for 2022/23 has been sent to the External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn, London. If you would like to see the full accounts and auditing information, please contact the Clerk on 07795071741 or Thank you

AGAR Annual Governance & Accounting Return 2022/23

Exercise of Public Rights 2022/23

Explanation of Variances

Bank Reconciliation 2022/23